Architecture of the future.
Political situation.
Politics and Architecture are in a close relation. It is mainly politics, what influences architecture and urban laws, fundings and competitions for public projects, determine the architectural process. Presently we are experiencing a global rise of populism and nationalism. (
Economic situation.
Any kind of development taking place on a valuable piece of land carries an added responsibility of maximizing the economic potential of that land. Because of this very relation, architecture can be a useful tool for economic growth in a region, and the upcoming development in a region can be reliable markers for predicting trends or changes in the regional economy. (
Technical and scientific discoveries.
Collaborative design have become increasingly popular approach to architectural projects, there is a focus on the importance of green infrastructure and energy efficiency, and the line between private and public space is becoming increasingly blurred. The digitization of the construction industry is today one of the biggest opportunities for investors, attracting the global attention of thought-leaders, innovators, and professionals: urban planning, architecture, and design are today some of the most promising areas that can impact the future of humanity. (
Climatic conditions.
The simplest and most impactful issue to consider regarding climate change is that the most sustainable building is the one that never gets built. Refurbishment over demolition is one of the most relevant trends to look at, since it not only saves money and time, but also decreases the impact we have on carbon emissions by eliminating the building process and demolition itself. (
Health situation.
Architecture and design have been influenced by industrial societies for decades. As a result, public buildings such as hospitals have often been designed to function and look like factories. Clinical practice in hospitals focuses mainly on treating illness while often neglecting a patient’s psychological, social and spiritual needs. The aim of salutogenic design is to create environments that stimulate the mind in order to create pleasure, creativity, satisfaction and enjoyment. (
Relationship with nature.
The re-definition and aspiration of the viewpoint is to create an elegant and contemporary architecture in nature which enriches the social and natural environment, fulfilling the needs of the modern age with its communal function and organic style. A building influences its environment and it also reacts to it while it also has a great effect on the emotions and feelings of visitors. It is an architectural innovation which lends a deeper meaning to its location. (
Socio-cultural thoughts.
Socio-cultural factors have a great influence on the formation of architectural spaces. Also, the cultural concept of the architecture prioritizes its material meaning and the architecture is just through socio-cultural organizations that come to the vitality.