This text is written by the famous spanish architect, Alberto Campo Baeza, and it reflects the meaning of being an architect. It starts off with a chat with some children, explaining what it takes to become an architect and what qualities you must have developed. Campo Baeza uses coming up and the down the stairs as an expression for being an architect, saying that you can always climb two steps at a time, but never two steps down.

Later on, it refers to the future architects with the different challenges they will have to face to succed in this beautiful profession. To think, to create and to build. To be a dreamer, to be an artist and to be a technician. He highlights all these characteristics in order to define, in the simplest way, what is being an architect. Mr Campo Baeza focuses on that everybody has it’s own good qualities and advantages in a personal way, and that is what has to be worked on and improved, in order to get the best from the work you are capable of doing.

He keeps insisting that to become an architect you will have to put many hours for it and maybe most of your daily life. But during this long process you would have developed many other good qualities which are very helpful in a lot of aspects in life, and of course start any different job or business. This is why he loves so much being an architect, advantages in all the ways.