Everybody associates Calpe with the ´Peñón de Ifach´, and it’s normal because it is such an amazing work of nature. It has given my hometown, Calpe, a very special symbol to make it unforgettable and unique in whole Costa Blanca, apart from the two beautiful beaches too, which are the main reason for the crazy amount of tourists coming every summer. Calpe is one of the very few towns in the area to have tall buildings, not in the scale of Benidorm of course, but we could say that nearly the whole coast line has a big and tall apartment right in front.

Now am going to be speaking about the famous buildings called ´Muralla Roja´. They were designed by the architect Ricardo Bofill Levi in the middle of 1960s, but the project was finished in 1973. It has total of 50 living apartments with incredible sea views and a common pool in the roof. Most of them are owned by individuals, but some others can be rented.

It is covered by two mains colours: blue, in relation with the sea, and pink, in order to contrast the surroundings. I would say it’s architectural style is postmodern. The architect was inspired by the adobe towers in North Africa and by the ´casbah´. But clearly we can see a reflection of the Mediterranean architecture and arabic/islamic architecture, with obviously a bit of greek style. The building overall gives a sense of laberynth. All of these style together are what make this piece of architecture so unique and famous.

The townhall of Calpe has catalogued the building with a level of integral protection. Before, some years ago, it was open for everybody to visit and contemplate. But with the boom of the social media lately, it has got incredibly famous between many influencers and even some singers, this being one the reasons of why everybody wants a picture in ´Muralla Roja´. The neighbours have got really tired of people sneaking in the building.
This piece of architectural art makes me very happy and proud about my hometown. It gives it another reason for being unique and special.